Crop Innovation Denmark - CID

The new CID strategy 2030
CID has published its third strategy, which we call Strategy 2030. Please download the paper by following this link.
The Climate Paper
Climate change is the biggest challenge facing the current and future generations and therefore we have an obligation to take action. The Danish agricultural sector has a vision of becoming carbon neutral by 2050, and the EU Green Deal and Farm to Fork strategy are pushing the sector towards a more sustainable production. These are visions and goals we must strive to achieve across the entire value chain – starting at the basis of our value chain – the genetics of our plant production.
The target is to increase efficiency through three main areas:
1. Increasing yields
2. Improving resistance and robustness
3. Increasing quality
Please download the paper by following this link
Research priorities
In relation to Strategy 2023 - CID have published a Position Paper - The future demand for food, feed and biomass calls for new plant innovation.
Please download the paper by clicking on this link.
In the position paper CID stresses the need to prioritize plant breeding research and to set up a strong frame for public-private partnerships.
Furthermore, CID have - in our paper - pointed on a few essential research areas where we urge for new research and innovation.
Plant breeding innovation
Plant breeding is the art and science of adapting plant characteristics to agricultural needs in order to produce more healthy, tasty and nutritious food.
Plant breeders contribute to the continued supply of a wide range of improved plant varieties and to securing our food supply. They help farmers achieve higher yields and obtain crops of superior nutritional value that can be grown more resource-efficiently.
Over time, our understanding of plants and natural science has evolved enormously. Today, smart molecular and agricultural methods help breeders to ensure food quality, to reduce crop losses in the field and food waste, and to address tomorrow’s food challenges.
Please find further information about plant breeding innovation at

Bestyrelsen for CID på rundvisning hos Danespo i deres nye laboratorier
Generalforsamling i CID.
Fredag den 3. maj afholdte Crop Innovation Denmark sin årlige generalforsamling. I år fandt generalforsamlingen sted hos Danespo i Give. Dagen bød på rig mulighed for at nyde Danespos flotte nye lokaler. Efterfølgende fik bestyrelsen en detaljeret og grundig rundvisning hos Danespo.
CID takker Danespo for gæstfriheden. CID-medlemmerne, der deltog på generalforsamlingen, kunne drage hjemad opløftet med ny energi på grund af det store potentiale og engagement som deltagerne udviste på dagen. Det lover godt for fremtiden og CID ser frem til endnu et spændende år.

Root Day at Copenhagen University 4th of June
On 4th of June 2018 the yearly Root day was arranged at Copenhagen University in Taastrup. The arrangement had approximately 60 participants.
The participants included farmers, researchers, farm advisory service, journalists and representatives from the plant breeding companies.
Professor Kristian Thorup Kristensen gave the opening talk and introduced the scientific work on the root studies.
Hereafter, all participants had the chance to study the research facilities, where researchers and plant breeders presented their engagement in the activities.
Breeders and researchers meet at Aarhus University Flakkebjerg
On Thursday the 1st of march 25 plantbreeders and researchers meet to discuss recent developments and future plans for the actrivities in the project exploring the RadiMax facility.
Throughout the day there was fruitful discussions on how to utilize the facility and the potentials for breeding new improved varieties with improved root development.
Christian S. Jensen, DLF, gave a short pitch talk on what is happening in other countries on root research. We have a world-class facility in RadiMax, but we must continue to be curious to strengthen our innovation power in our root research.
Currently, planning of an open day (june 2018) at the RadiMax facility is in the pipepline. More information will follow on this exiting day. University of Copenhagen will open their doors and present their research on plant and roots.
Visit at Copenhagen Plant Science Center - University of Copenhagen
The board of CID visited Copenhagen Plant Science Center in the end of June 2017.
The official opening of Copenhagen Plant Science Center was held on the 12th of October 2017 - see more information here.
At the visit in June the CID board had the chance to meet and discuss with some of the leading researchers in Copenhagen Plant Science Center.
Please find further information on Copenhagen Plant Science Center - by visiting the center webpage.

One of the presentations at the day were Christian Siig Jensen from CID partner DLF Seeds. Foto: Claus Saabye
Climate change calls for more robust crops
Nordic PPP are a collaboration between the Nordic countries and made possible through NordGen and NordForsk. The aim is to bring together breeders and other plant genetic users to provide strong collaboration and sustainable use of genetic ressources in order for our crops to meet future challenges.
At a meeting in Malmö, Sweden, on the 6th of February Nordic plant breeders met through the Nordic PPP project. At the meeting the latest report on recommendations were discussed.
There are nine main recommendations on the topic of Nordic agriculture and climate changes. A key take home message is the necessity of continued progress of relevant Nordic crops to become more robust.
Making crops more climate reciliant and robust are already key objectives of several CID coordinated project which you can read more about here.
To read and download the recommendations from Nordic PPP follow this link