
RadiMax is a screening facility located at University of Copenhagen and a high performance computer cluster placed at Aarhus University.

The aim of the project is to test the hypothesis that deeper roots will allow plants to cope better with water stress and perhaps also take op nutrients more efficiently than they do today.

 The screening facility consists of four v-shaped pits, in which plants will only receive irrigation from the bottom, which ends at 3 meters depth. Mobile tents ensures that the crops will receive no precipitation during the drought tests. Each pit has a capacity for 150 plant rows of 10 m. plants standing in the middle of the pit will have to root down to 3 m in order to get water. So by measuring the biomass above ground we get a very good indication on the root system below.

RadiMax has a budget of 3.0 M € and runs until the end of 2018. The project receives financial support from InnovationsFonden, GBHF, and PlanDanmark.